
Spring XML Databases Framework


The Spring XMLDB framework is designed to ease the use of XML databases with the Spring Framework. It provides configurable generic beans for dataaccess to XML databases. It also includes the following features:

  • Pooling of XML:DB connections to an XML Database which can be used similarily to JDBC connection pools

  • Generic DAOs for querying with XPath, XQuery and XUpdate as well as retrieving/storing documents (binary and XML) and managing collections and databases themselves.

  • Embedded startup of XML databases using Spring configured beans.

  • Import/Export from file systems to XML databases using Spring resource abstraction framework.

  • Generic Spring controllers for configuring queries on XML databases which can then be displayed through XSLT views or using JSTL tags.

  • Generic Tiles controllers for integrating query results into tiles components, allowing content display to be controlled in definitions.

  • XForms type form integration for binding form elements to XML documents in Spring called SPXForms.

  • Schematron Validation for XML documents using the Spring Validator interface.

  • XML Database Manager example application.

  • Tiles based content website and simple CMS example application.


The Spring XMLDB Framework makes heavy use of XML:DB APIs. The XML:DB project is used to provide a common API to XML database products. Information on XML:DB can be found at http://xmldb-org.sourceforge.net/

Supported XML Databases

Currently only eXist and Xindice are supported. Hopefully i can add support for Tamino, XHive and Berkley XMLDB in the near future.


eXist is an Open Source native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XQuery processing, automatic indexing, extensions for full-text search, XUpdate support and tight integration with existing XML development tools. The database implements the current XQuery 1.0 working draft as of November, 2003 (for the core syntax, some details already following later versions), with the exception of the XML schema related features.

The eXist XML database server is supported through its XML:DB API. More information can be found at http://exist.sourceforge.net/.


Apache Xindice is a database designed from the ground up to store XML data or what is more commonly referred to as a native XML database.

The Apache Xindice database server is supported through its XML:DB API. More information can be found at http://xml.apache.org/xindice/

XML:DB DataSource

The class uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.datasource.BasicXMLDBDataSource provides a basic implementation of the interface uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.datasource.XMLDBDataSource to provide pooling connections to XML database collections.

The defintions of the XMLDBDataSource is as follows:

public interface XMLDBDataSource {

     * Return a XML:DB Collection connection to the XML:DB database. This should return a connection
     * to the default set collection for a database. In most cases this would be the root collection
     * /db
     * @return an XML:DB Collection object
     * @throws XMLDBException if the collection can not be obtained
     public Collection getCollection() throws XMLDBException;

     * Return a XML:DB Collection connection to the XML:DB database for a specified collection
     * given the collection path.
     * @param collectionPath the full collection path to the collection to get for. i.e. /db/plays/shakespeare
     * @return an XML:DB Collection object
     * @throws XMLDBException
     public Collection getCollection(String collectionPath) throws XMLDBException;

      *  Return a XML:DB Collection connection to the XML:DB database for a specified collection
      * given the collection path and user connection details username and password
      * @param username the connection username
      * @param password the connection password
      * @param collectionPath
      * @return an XML:DB Collection object
      * @throws XMLDBException if the collection can not be obtained
      public Collection getCollection(String username, String password, String collectionPath) throws XMLDBException;



The BasicXMLDBDataSource can then be configured in the Spring application context to create the datasource to a particular XML Database. The database can be embedded, running in the same JVM, or on a remote server as supported by the XML:DB driver for the database.

Embeded Exist Server:

<bean id="xmldbDataSource" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.datasource.BasicXMLDBDataSource">
  <property name="driverClassName"><value>org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl</value></property>
  <property name="url"><value>xmldb:exist:///</value></property>
  <property name="username"><value></value></property>
  <property name="password"><value></value></property>

Exist server running with XML-RPC access on localhost port 8080:

<bean id="xmldbDataSource" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.datasource.BasicXMLDBDataSource">
  <property name="driverClassName"><value>org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl</value></property>
  <property name="url"><value>xmldb:exist://localhost:8080/exist/xmlrpc</value></property>
  <property name="username"><value></value></property>
  <property name="password"><value></value></property>

Embedded Xindice server:

<bean id="xmldbDataSource" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.datasource.BasicXMLDBDataSource">
  <property name="driverClassName"><value>org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl</value></property>
  <property name="url"><value>xmldb:xindice-embed://</value></property>
  <property name="username"><value></value></property>
  <property name="password"><value></value></property>


Once configured in a Spring context the datasource can then be used to supply XML:DB connections to collections on the configured XML database:

/** the database source for the xml database */
protected XMLDBDataSource dataSource;

 * @return Returns the dataSource.
public XMLDBDataSource getDataSource() {
  return dataSource;
* @param dataSource The dataSource to set.
public void setDataSource(XMLDBDataSource dataSource) {
  this.dataSource = dataSource;

public void doQuery(String collectionPath, String xpath) {

  Collection collection = null;
  try {
   collection = dataSource.getCollection(collectionPath);

  if (collection != null) {
    XPathQueryService service = 
      (XPathQueryService) collection.getService(
     ResourceSet resultSet = service.query(xPathQuery);
  } catch (XMLDBException e) {
    throw new XMLDBDataAccessException(e.getMessage(), e);
  } finally {
    try {
     if (collection != null)
    } catch (XMLDBException e2) {

Calling close() on the collection from the DataSource will not close the connection, instead it will return it to the pool to be reused. The connection pool is keyed on the collection path string so will in fact hold a map of connection pools, one pool for each collection.

SpringXMLDB Data Access Objects

The SpringXMLDB Framework provides a generic set of data access objects for use with XML Databases. This gives an API to a set of common operations on storing, retrieving, querying and managing XML databases. The DAOs have a set of interfaces for accessing the XML database. Some DAOs have different implementations for different vendors of database due to differences in the XML:DB API implementations and support for certain functions.

  • IXPathXMLDBDao - For querying XML Database collections with XPath.

  • ICollectionManageXMLDBDao - For managing XML Database collections.

  • IResourceManageXMLDBDao - For managing XML Database resources such as XML and binary files.

  • IXQueryXMLDBDao - For querying XML Databases with XQuery.

  • IXUpdateXMLDBDao - For updating XML Database resources with XUpdate.

  • IDatabaseManageXMLDBDao - For managing the database instance.


All the XMLDB DAOs extend AbstractXMLDBDao which provides some base functionality for the dataaccess querying. All DAOs inherit this behaviour.

Namespace support

The XML:DB API requires that any namespaces used in the query should be registered with the XML:DB service being used. By setting the properties in the DAO object for any namespaces used, these namespaces will be registered on any service being used.

<bean id="xpathXMLDBDao" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.dao.BaseXPathXMLDBDao">
  <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="xmldbDataSource"/></property>
  <property name="nameSpaces">
    <entry key="dc">
    <entry key="dct">


All Spring XMLDB dataaccess methods throw uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.exception.XMLDBDataAccessException which are runtime exceptions extending the normal Spring exception DataAccessException.


There is one implementation of IXPathXMLDBDao which is BaseXPathXMLDBDao. This should work with all XML:DB databases.

     * Query a collection with xpath and return a map of results with keys of
     * the resource IDs and values of w3c DOM documents of the results (not necessarily the resource
     * documents, but the result of the query)
     * @param xPathQuery the xpath query to use
     * @param collectionPath the collection path to query (note some XML databases will also 
     * query child collections by default)
     * @return a Map of the resourceIDs and query results
     * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong with he query
public abstract Map queryWithXPathCollectionAsDOM(String xPathQuery,
   String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

     * Query a collection with xpath and return a map of results with keys of
     * the resource IDs and values of Strings of the results (not necessarily the resource
     * documents, but the result of the query)
     * @param xPathQuery the xpath query to use
     * @param collectionPath the collection path to query (note some XML databases will also 
     * query child collections by default)
     * @return a Map of the resourceIDs and query results
     * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong with he query
public abstract Map queryWithXPathCollectionAsString(String xPathQuery,
   String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

     * Query a particular with xpath and return a map of results with keys of
     * the resource IDs and values of w3c DOM documents of the results (not necessarily the resource
     * documents, but the result of the query)
     * @param resourceId the resource to query
     * @param xPathQuery the xpath query to use
     * @param collectionPath the collection path to find the resource
     * @return a Map of the resourceIDs and query results
     * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong with he query
public abstract Map queryResourceWithXPathCollectionAsDOM(String resourceId,
   String xPathQuery,
   String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

     * Query a particular with xpath and return a map of results with keys of
     * the resource IDs and values of String xml of the results (not necessarily the resource
     * documents, but the result of the query)
     * @param resourceId the resource to query
     * @param xPathQuery the xpath query to use
     * @param collectionPath the collection path to find the resource
     * @return a Map of the resourceIDs and query results
     * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong with he query
public abstract Map queryResourceWithXPathCollectionAsString(String resourceId,
   String xPathQuery,
   String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;


BaseXPathXMLDBDao provides an implementation of IXPathXMLDBDao which should work on all XML:DB databases. This allows for collections to be queried by XPath.

This basically allows querying of a collection or just a single XML resource within a collection. The results are returned as a Map of results, this map is keyed with id of the resource returned and the result data of xpath query on that resource. The result data is either a String object or a org.w3c.dom.Document depending on the method used.


The ICollectionManageXMLDBDao data access objects are used to retrieve information on collections and their contents and to add/remove collections from the XML database.

 * Add a new child collection to an underlying existing collection
 * @param existingCollectionPath The full collection path of the existing collection i.e. /db/test/content
 * @param newCollectionName The single name of the collection to create i.e. newcol
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException problems accessing the XML database
public void addCollection(String existingCollectionPath, String newCollectionName) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * Add a new collection path to the XML database. This method should create any non existing
 * collections on the path
 * @param collectionPath the full path of the collection to create i.e. /db/testcontent/newcol
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException problems accessing the XML database
 * */
public void addCollectionPath(String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * Remove a collection from the XML datbase given the full collection path
 * @param collectionPath the full path of the collection to remove i.e. /db/testcontent/newcol
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException problems accessing the XML database
public void removeCollection(String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * Get the information on all the resources in a collection given the collection path
 * This method should return a collection (in the java.util sense) of <code>XMLDBResourceInfo</code>
 * objects
 * @param collectionPath the collection path to retrieve infomation on
 * @return a java.util.Collection of XMLDBResourceInfo resource information
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException problems accessing the XML database
public java.util.Collection getCollectionResourceInfo(String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * Evaluate if a specific collection exists at a collection path in the database
 * @param collectionPath The collection path to check
 * @return true if the collection exists
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException problems accessing the XML database
public boolean doesCollectionExist(String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * Get the information on all child collections of a collection given its collection path
 * This method should return a collection (in the java.util sense) of <code>XMLDBCollectionInfo</code>
 * objects
 * @param collectionPath the collection path to retrieve infomation on
 * @return a java.util.Collection of XMLDBCollectionInfo resource information
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException problems accessing the XML database
public java.util.Collection getCollectionCollectionInfo(String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

The methods getCollectionCollectionInfo(String collectionPath) and getCollectionResourceInfo(String collectionPath) allow for returning information on the child collections and resources of a collection as simple JavaBean objects.


The BaseCollectionManageXMLDBDao provides an implementation of ICollectionManageXMLDBDao just using XML:DB apis. This does not work for Xindice and eXist which require specific DAO implementations to provide the full functionality.


The XindiceCollectionManageXMLDBDao is a DAO specific for Xindice databases. This DAO allows for metadata information on resources to be returned along with the resource information in uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.data.xindice.XindiceXMLDBResourceInfo objects. The DAO also allows collections to be created with a customised configuration which can be set in the DAO property newColconfig. The use of metadata in resource information be be changed with the property useMetadata. By default metadata is on.


The ExistCollectionManageXMLDBDao is a DAO specific for eXist databases. It includes retrieving information for the last modified and created time of resources.


The IResourceManageXMLDBDao data access objects provides methods for the management of resources within XML database collections. These resources can be either XML resources or binary resources.

  * Insert or update a XML document specfied in the String supplied in the parameters.
  * If the supplied docID is null the dao will attempt to insert with a null id relying on the 
  * database to supply a generated ID. If given a docID the dao will attempt to find an
  * existing document in the given collection path, if a document exists it will update that document
  * otherwise it will insert a new document with the supplied id. 
  * @param xmlDocument A String of the XML document to insert/update
  * @param docID The document ID to use
  * @param collectionPath The collection path to insert under
  * @return The ID of the document in the collection
  * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract String insertUpdateXMLDocument(String xmlDocument,
   String docID, String collectionPath)
   throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

  * Insert or update a file (either XML or binary) from a <code>File</code> object
  * to the database. If the supplied docID is null the dao will attempt to insert with a null id relying on the 
  * database to supply a generated ID. If given a docID the dao will attempt to find an
  * existing document in the given collection path, if a document exists it will update that document
  * otherwise it will insert a new document with the supplied id. 
  * @param file The File to insert/update
  * @param docID The document ID to use
  * @param collectionPath The collection path to insert under
  * @return The ID of the document in the collection
  * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract String insertUpdateFile(File file,
   String docID, String collectionPath)
   throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

  * Insert or update a XML document from a <code>File</code> object
  * to the database. If the supplied docID is null the dao will attempt to insert with a null id relying on the 
  * database to supply a generated ID. If given a docID the dao will attempt to find an
  * existing document in the given collection path, if a document exists it will update that document
  * otherwise it will insert a new document with the supplied id. 
  * @param xmlDocument The File containing a XML document
  * @param docID The document ID to use
  * @param collectionPath The collection path to insert under
  * @return The ID of the document in the collection
  * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract String insertUpdateXMLDocument(File xmlDocument,
String docID, String collectionPath)
   throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

  * Insert or update a XML document from a supplied DOM object
  * to the database. If the supplied docID is null the dao will attempt to insert with a null id relying on the 
  * database to supply a generated ID. If given a docID the dao will attempt to find an
  * existing document in the given collection path, if a document exists it will update that document
  * otherwise it will insert a new document with the supplied id. 
  * @param Document The File containing a XML document
  * @param docID The document ID to use
  * @param collectionPath The collection path to insert under
  * @return The ID of the document in the collection
  * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract String insertUpdateXMLDocument(Document xmlDocument,
   String docID, String collectionPath)
   throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * Remove a document (XML or binary) from a collection
 * @param docID The document ID to remove
 * @param collectionPath The collection path to find the document
 * @return true if resource removed
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract boolean removeDocument(String docID, String collectionPath)
   throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

  * Retrieve an XML document as a w3c DOM object from a collection in the XML database
  * @param docID The document ID to retrieve
  * @param collectionPath The collection path to find the document
  * @return A W3C DOM document
  * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract Document retrieveDocumentAsDOM(String docID, String collectionPath)
  throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

  * Retrieve an XML document as a String from a collection in the XML database
  * @param docID The document ID to retrieve
  * @param collectionPath The collection path to find the document
  * @return A String with the XML content
  * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract String retrieveDocumentAsString(String docID, String collectionPath)
  throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * Retrieve a XML:DB Resource which can be either a binary or XML document from a collection in the XML database
 * @param docID The document ID to retrieve
 * @param collectionPath The collection path to find the document
 * @return A XML:DB Resource with either the String or byte[] binary content of the file
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract Resource retrieveDocumentAsResource(String docID, String collectionPath)
  throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

  * Insert or update a binary byte array into a XML database. If the byte[] is a true XML resource
  * insert/update it as a XMLResource otherwise as a binary resource
  * to the database. If the supplied docID is null the dao will attempt to insert with a null id relying on the 
  * database to supply a generated ID. If given a docID the dao will attempt to find an
  * existing document in the given collection path, if a document exists it will update that document
  * otherwise it will insert a new document with the supplied id. 
  * @param docBytes The byte array to insert or update
  * @param docID The document ID to use
  * @param collectionPath The collection path to insert under
  * @return The ID of the document in the collection
  * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract String insertUpdateBinaryFile(byte[] docBytes, String docID, String collectionPath) 
  throws XMLDBDataAccessException ;

 * Insert or update information in a inputstream into a XML database. If the strem result is a true XML resource
 * insert/update it as a XMLResource otherwise as a binary resource
 * to the database. If the supplied docID is null the dao will attempt to insert with a null id relying on the 
 * database to supply a generated ID. If given a docID the dao will attempt to find an  
 * existing document in the given collection path, if a document exists it will update that document
 * otherwise it will insert a new document with the supplied id. 
 * @param stream The input stream to insert or update
 * @param docID The document ID to use
 * @param collectionPath The collection path to insert under
 * @return The ID of the document in the collection
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong in the data access
public abstract String insertUpdateInputStream(InputStream stream, String docID, String collectionPath) 
  throws XMLDBDataAccessException ;

The DAO implementations provide methods for the insertion and updating of XML resources. This can be as binary objects or as XML objects, the DAO implementations will automatically insert as an XML document if a binary resource or input stream can be parsed as an XML document, otherwise it will be inserted as a binary resource. If a docID is supplied the DAO will check to see if this resource exists in the given collection path, if it exists the resource will be updated, if it does not exist the resource will be created with that docID in the given collection. If a null docID is supplied the DAO will rely on generating a unique ID and storing under that. In all cases the ID of the resource created/updated is returned.


BaseResourceManageXMLDBDao is a DAO implementation of IResourceManageXMLDBDao for all XML:DB implementations including eXist and Xindice.


The IXQueryXMLDBDao DAO implementations allow querying of collections and XML resources with the XQuery language.

     * Query a collection with XQuery and return a map of results with keys of
     * the resource IDs and values of String xml of the results (not necessarily the resource
     * documents, but the result of the query)
     * @param xQuery the xquery query to use
     * @param collectionPath the collection path to query (note some XML databases will also 
     * query child collections by default)
     * @return a Map of the resourceIDs and query results
     * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong with he query
public abstract Map queryWithXQueryCollectionAsString(String xQuery,
   String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

     * Query a collection with XQuery and return a map of results with keys of
     * the resource IDs and values of String xml of the results (not necessarily the resource
     * documents, but the result of the query). Add a list of variables to the query which can then
     * be used in the query syntax as a replacement.
     * @param xQuery the xquery query to use
     * @param collectionPath the collection path to query (note some XML databases will also 
     * query child collections by default)
     * @param variables map of key/values that can be used for replacement in the xquery
     * @return a Map of the resourceIDs and query results
     * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if anything goes wrong with he query
public abstract Map queryWithXQueryCollectionAsString(String xQuery,
   String collectionPath, Map variables) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

The DAO allows queries to be made with an XQuery String and supply a list of variables to be used for substitution in the XQuery. This allows variable names such as $variable to be replaced with values in the end query. As with XPath DAOs the results are returned as a map of resource ID keys and the results of the XQuery as the result data. As XQuery allows parsing of results into various forms, the result may be unrelated to the data in the resource.


The BaseXQueryXMLDBDao allows for XQuery to be made with any XML:DB drivers which support XQueryService. This does not include Xindice which has no current support for XQuery


The ExistXQueryXMLDBDao allows for XQuery with older versions of eXist. Older versions used a different API structure to XML:DB so require a separate DAO instance. Newer versions of eXist use the XML:DB API so can use the normal BaseXQueryXMLDBDao.


The allows for XUpdates to be run on collections in an XML database or individual XML resources. Information on XUpdate can be found at http://xmldb-org.sourceforge.net/xupdate/index.html

 * run a XUpdate set of commands on a collection in an XML database
 * @param xUpdate The xupdate string
 * @param collectionPath The collection path
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if something goes wrong in the XMLDB access
public abstract void updateWithXUpdate(String xUpdate, String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;

 * run a XUpdate set of commands on a specific resource within a collection in an XML database
 * @param xUpdate The xupdate string
 * @param collectionPath The collection path
 * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException if something goes wrong in the XMLDB access
public abstract void updateResourceWithXUpdate(String xUpdate, String resourceId, String collectionPath) throws XMLDBDataAccessException;


The BaseXUpdateXMLDBDao is a DAO implementation using standard XML:DB API functions and can be used with either eXist or Xindice.


The IDatabaseManageXMLDBDao DAOs provide for methods to manage the actual XML database instance.

   * Shutdown the database at the URI given by the dao datasource
   * @throws XMLDBDataAccessException
	public void shutdown() throws XMLDBDataAccessException;


Currently only an implementation for eXist for database management is supported.

XMLDB Facade

The interface uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.IXMLDBFacade aggregates many of the DAO functions into a facade layer on top of an XML database. It is this layer that the generic controllers and Tiles components use. The IXMLDBFacade is just an example of the usage of the DAO layer of the SpringXMLDB framework providing a simple implmentation for querying of the database. Most application business logic can access the DAO layer directly to perform functions for querying and persisting XML data.

public interface IXMLDBFacade {

 public abstract void xupdateXMLDocument(String xupdate, String docID, String collectionPath);

 public abstract void xupdateCollection(String xupdate, String collectionPath);

 public abstract String insertUpdateXMLDocument(String xmlDocument, String docID, String collectionPath);

 public abstract boolean removeDocument(String docID, String collectionPath);

 public abstract String retrieveDocumentAsString(String docID, String collectionPath) ;

 public abstract Resource retrieveDocumentAsResource(String docID, String collectionPath) ;

 public abstract Node queryWithXPathCollectionAsString(String xPathQuery, String collectionPath)  throws XMLParsingException ;

 public abstract Node queryWithXPathCollectionAsString(String xPathQuery, String collectionPath, int noResults)  throws XMLParsingException ;

 public abstract Node queryResourceWithXPathCollectionAsString(String resourceId, String xPathQuery,
 String collectionPath)  throws XMLParsingException ;

 public abstract Node queryWithXQueryCollectionAsString(String xQuery, String collectionPath)  throws XMLParsingException ;

 public abstract Node queryWithXQueryCollectionAsString(String xQuery, String collectionPath, int noResults)  throws XMLParsingException ;

 public abstract Node queryWithXQueryCollectionAsString(String xQuery, String collectionPath, Map variables)  throws XMLParsingException ;

 public abstract Node queryWithXQueryCollectionAsString(String xQuery, String collectionPath, Map variables, int noResults)  throws XMLParsingException ;


The SimpleXMLDBFacade provides a simple implementation of the facade interface.The querying of results returns a complete XML document with the results. The results are aggregated using results as a root element, and each resources results are contained in a result element with a resourceId attribute. This allows the result set to be transformed for presentation with a single XSLT transform.

   <result resourceId="id1.xml">
     ....xml results....

   <result resourceId="id2.xml">
     ......xml results...

An example of a configured application context with the SimpleXMLDBFacade would be:

<bean id="xmldbFacade" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.SimpleXMLDBFacade">
  <property name="xpathDao"><ref bean="xpathXMLDBDao"/></property>
  <property name="xqueryDao"><ref bean="xqueryXMLDBDao"/></property>
  <property name="manageDao"><ref bean="xmlManageXMLDBDao"/></property>
  <property name="xupdateDao"><ref bean="xupdateXMLDBDao"/></property>

<bean id="xmldbDataSource" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.datasource.BasicXMLDBDataSource">
  <property name="driverClassName"><value>org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl</value></property>
  <property name="url"><value>xmldb:exist:///</value></property>
  <property name="username"><value></value></property>
  <property name="password"><value></value></property>

 <bean id="xpathXMLDBDao" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.dao.BaseXPathXMLDBDao">
  <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="xmldbDataSource"/></property>

 <bean id="xmlManageXMLDBDao" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.dao.BaseResourceManageXMLDBDao">
  <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="xmldbDataSource"/></property>

 <bean id="xqueryXMLDBDao" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.dao.exist.ExistXQueryXMLDBDao">
  <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="xmldbDataSource"/></property>

 <bean id="xupdateXMLDBDao" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.dao.BaseXUpdateXMLDBDao">
  <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="xmldbDataSource"/></property>

Startup of XML Databases

The Spring XMLDB framework allows for the startup of XML databases using the Spring application context configuration. This allows for easy deployment of XML database systems and testing.


SpringXMLDB provides a spring-managed bean uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.startup.xindice.XindiceManagedServer which can be used to start an embedded Xindice instance. Note this is for use in the same JVM only as it does not include an XML-RPC server or any of the features to allow it to be used remotely. If a seperate standalone Xindice database is needed it is best to deploy the full Xindice WAR.

<bean id="xmldatabase" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.startup.xindice.XindiceManagedServer" init-method="startup">
  <property name="databaseRootLocation"><value>db</value></property>

The Spring attribute init-method allows for the database to be started up after the Spring application context is initialised.

Property Description
databaseRootLocation Spring Resource property indicating where the root of the database directory should be. If left out this will be set to a db directory in the same directory as the configuration file or in a db directory of the starting directory if no configuration file is specified. Resource types allow abstraction of the location of a File/Directory depending on how the Spring context was started.
configurationFile Spring Resource property indicating the XML File of the Xindice configuration. If left out it will default to a configuration with a dbroot of ./db, using metadata, and with no auto indexing. Spring Resource types allow abstraction of the location of a File/Directory depending on how the Spring context was started.


SpringXMLDB provides 2 ways to start up a eXist XML database server, either as an embedded server using uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.startup.exist.ExistEmbeddedServer or as a full server with HTTP and XML-RPC access using uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.startup.exist.ExistStandaloneServer.

<bean id="xmldatabase" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.startup.exist.ExistEmbeddedServer" init-method="startup">
  <property name="databaseName"><value>exist</value></property>
  <property name="threads"><value>5</value></property>
  <property name="configurationFile"><value>/resources/conf.xml</value></property>
  <property name="shutdownUser"><value>admin</value></property>
  <property name="shutdownPassword"><value></value></property>
Property Description
databaseName String name of the database, to be used in the XML:DB connection string.
threads The number of threads to use in the internal connections to the underlying file collections.
configurationFile Required: Spring Resource location of the XML eXist configuration file.
shutdownUser The eXist user that should be used to shutdown the server.
shutdownPassword The eXist user password that should be used to shutdown the server.
shutdownListener Optional org.exist.xmldb.ShutdownListener class that will be registered to look for shutdown events.
Property Description
databaseName as per ExistEmbeddedServer.
threads as per ExistEmbeddedServer.
configurationFile as per ExistEmbeddedServer.
shutdownUser as per ExistEmbeddedServer.
shutdownPassword as per ExistEmbeddedServer.
httpPort The port to be used for listening for HTTP requests for the XML database.
xmlrpcPort The port to be used for listening for XML-RPC requests for the XML database, this is used for remote XML:DB requests.

Import/Export XML Database Resources

The Spring XMLDB Framework allows easy import and export of XML Database content using the Spring Resource abstraction framework.


The class uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.processor.XMLDBImportProcessor can be configured to set up importing to an XML database through the generic SpringXMLDB DAOs.

<bean id="uploadProcessor" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.processor.XMLDBImportProcessor">
  <property name="xmldbManageDao"><ref bean="xmlManageXMLDBDao"/></property>
  <property name="collectionManageDao"><ref bean="collectionManageXMLDBDao"/></property>
Method Description
public String uploadFile(File file, String collectionPath) Import a file on the local filesystem into the indicated collection path on the currently configured XMLDB datasource connection (through the configured DAOs). If the collection path does not exist it will be created. The filename will be used as the resource Id.
public Map uploadDirectory(File directory, String startingCollectionPath, boolean recursive) Import a entire directroy on the local filesystem into the indicated collection path on the currently configured XMLDB datasource connection (through the configured DAOs). If the collection path does not exist it will be created. If the recursive flag is true then the directory will be walked for sub-directories. If a sub-directory is encountered a collection will be created for that directory in the set collection path and the contents of that sub-directory recursively imported. The filename will be used as the resource Id.


The class uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.processor.XMLDBAutoLoader is an extension of uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.processor.XMLDBImportProcessor that can be used to import a directory recursive when the application context is started. When used in combination with embedded databases this can be very useful for loading test content.

<bean id="uploadProcessor" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.processor.XMLDBAutoLoader" init-method="init">
  <property name="xmldbManageDao"><ref bean="xmlManageXMLDBDao"/></property>
  <property name="collectionManageDao"><ref bean="collectionManageXMLDBDao"/></property>
  <property name="initDirectory"><value>resources/content</value></property>
  <property name="collection"><value>/db/testcontent</value></property>
Property Description
initDirectory Spring Resource property indicating the directory to start importing from. This directory will be imported recursively.
collection The collection with which to start importing to. Defaults to /db


The class uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.processor.XMLDBExportProcessor can be used to export XML database resources to a file system directory.

<bean id="exportProcessor" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.processor.XMLDBExportProcessor">
  <property name="xmldbManageDao"><ref bean="xmlManageXMLDBDao"/></property>
  <property name="collectionManageDao"><ref bean="collectionManageXMLDBDao"/></property>
Method Description
public Map exportCollection(File directory, String collectionPath, boolean recursive) Export the contents of a XML database collection to a local filesystem directory. If the recursive flag is set any sub-collections of the collection path will be outputted to the filesystem as directories and the contents of those directories recursively outputted to the new directory.

Spring XMLDB Controllers.

The Spring XMLDB web MVC controllers allow for some easy integration queries with backend XML databases to be created for request handling in a web application. This allows for application dataaccess to be handled by adding and configuring Spring controllers without writing any dataaccess code. The Spring XMLDB controllers in general return XML results documents which can then be transformed with XSLT (or just rendered as XML), or as a standard JSP page where the XML document can be manipulated (usually with JSTL XML Tags).

All the Spring XMLDB controllers are extended from uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.AbstractXMLDBController. The AbstractXMLDBController allows the collection to be accessed to be set from the bean properties or if the acceptCollectionFromRequest property is set to true then the collection can be passed in as a request parameter collection. In this if the bean property collectionPrefix is set this will be prefixed to the start of the collection. It is also possible to set the resolving view name and the result limit as properties.

Property Description
xmldbFacade A reference to the XML Facade implementing bean.
collection The collection to query.
acceptCollectionFromRequest If set to true the collection to query can be supplied as a request parameter collection.
collectionPrefix If the collection is accepted as a request parameter then this property will be prefixed to the collection.
resultLimit The maximum number of results to return and display.
view The rendering view name to use.


uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.view.SimpleXMLDBXsltView is an implementation of org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt.AbstractXsltView used to aggregate multi results from the XMLDB controllers. In general the controller queries just set a model result of type Node which AbstractXsltView will render using the XSLT resource. Little known fact that if the xslt property is not set, then AbstractXsltView will just render the XML to the browser.


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.UrlFilenameXMLDBResourceController retrieves a resource from the set collection (see AbstractXMLDBController) using the filename of the request URL as the id. The controller retrieves the resource and if it is a binary resource streams back the file to the browser, if it is an XML resource the xml document is added to the model return as a DOM Node to be rendered by the view. When used with a AbstractXsltView like SimpleXMLDBXsltView then the XML can be rendered or transformed. As a side effect of the way resources are rendered if the document includes a stylesheet or CSS reference the stylesheet/CSS can also be rendered from the XML database by this controller.

Property Description
filenameSuffix If set this suffix will be added to the request filename before looking up the resource ID. For instance a request /example/xmlurl/test1 with a fileNameSuffix of .xml will become test1.xml.
<bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
  <property name="mappings">
      <prop key="content/*">contentController</prop>

<bean id="contentController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.UrlFilenameXMLDBResourceController">
  <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
  <property name="view"><value>urlxml</value></property>


Expands on uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.UrlFilenameXMLDBResourceController to retrieve a resource using the filename on the request URL but also determining the collection to retrieve from using the pre-part of the URL. The ignorePathForCollection parameter is used to remove the first part of the URL to determine the collection to retrieve the resource from.

Property Description
ignorePathForCollection The controller will remove this string from the beginning of the URL (after the context and servlet name is removed) and use the rest of the URL to calculate the collection to query for the resource.

In the example bellow a URL of http://localhost:8008/springxmldbmanage/a/content/db/samples/shakespeare/hamlet.xml will result in the resource being retrieved from collection of /db/samples/shakespeare with a resource ID of hamlet.xml.

<bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
  <property name="mappings">
      <prop key="content/**">contentController</prop>

<bean id="contentController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.AdvancedUrlFilenameXMLDBResourceController">
  <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
  <property name="ignorePathForCollection"><value>content/</value></property>
  <property name="view"><value>urlxml</value></property>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.SimpleXPathXMLDBController is used to run an xpath query against a collection in an XML database where the xpath to run is supplied as a property of the object and can be set in the context configuration file. The results are returned as a XML Node aggregated as per SimpleXMLDBFacade, this can then be outputted by the view, transformed with XSLT or used in a JSP view layer (using JSTL XML tags).

Property Description
xpath The xpath to query the set collection with.
<bean id="listItemsController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.SimpleXPathXMLDBController">
    <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
    <property name="collection"><value>/db/tilesnews/items</value></property>
    <property name="view"><value>listItems</value></property>
    <property name="xpath"><value>/item[metadata/type/text()='page' 
    and metadata/subjects/subject/name/text()='Spring']</value></property>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.ParameterXPathXMLDBController is used to run an xpath query against a collection in an XML database where the xpath to run is supplied a request parameter (either through a form post or on the query string).

Property Description
xpathParameter The request parameter which will supply the xpath query.
<bean id="xpathParameterController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.ParameterXPathXMLDBController">
    <property name="acceptCollectionFromRequest"><value>true</value></property>
    <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
    <property name="view"><value>urlxml</value></property>
    <property name="xpathParameter"><value>xpath</value></property>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.MultiXPathXMLDBController is used to run multiple xpath queriesagainst a collection in an XML database and aggregate the results into a Map of query results in XML against the query name. The queries to run are set using a map property of the controller with a query name and the xpath query.

Property Description
xpathQueries A map of the xpath queries to run on the set collection with the key as the query name and the value as the XPath query.
<bean id="xpathMutliQueriesController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.MultiXPathXMLDBController">
    <property name="acceptCollectionFromRequest"><value>false</value></property>
    <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
    <property name="view"><value>urlxml</value></property>
    <property name="xpathQueries">
                <entry key="query1">
                <entry key="query2">

Using the SimpleXMLDBXsltView to aggregate the results would result in a XML file of:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <result resourceId="test1.xml">
      <result resourceId="test2.xml">
      <result resourceId="test5.xml">
      <result resourceId="test8.xml">


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.XPathRequestParamSubXMLDBController is used to run an xpath query against a collection in an XML database where the xpath to run is supplied as a property of the object and can be set in the context configuration file. The controller will also replace any values of $variable in the xpath query with the value of request parameters of that name allowing query/form parameters to be inserted in the query string.

Property Description
xpath The xpath to query the set collection with.
<bean id="listItemsController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.XPathRequestParamSubXMLDBController">
    <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
    <property name="collection"><value>/db/tilesnews/items</value></property>
    <property name="view"><value>listItems</value></property>
    <property name="xpath"><value>/item[metadata/type/text()='page' 
    and metadata/subjects/subject/name/text()='$page_subject']</value></property>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.SimpleXQueryXMLDBController is used to run an XQuery query against a collection in an XML database where the XQuery to run is supplied as a property of the object and can be set in the context configuration file.

Property Description
xquery A XQuery string to run on the collection.
<bean id="listItemsController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.SimpleXQueryXMLDBController">
    <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
    <property name="collection"><value>/db/tilesnews/items</value></property>
    <property name="view"><value>listItems</value></property>
    <property name="xquery"><value>for $item in //item order by xs:dateTime($item/metadata/created) 
     descending return $item</value></property>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.XQueryRequestParametersXMLDBController is used to run an XQuery query against a collection in an XML database where the xquery to run is supplied as a property of the object and can be set in the context configuration file. The controller will also pass all request parameters as a map to be used for parameter replacement in the xquery. This allows parameters $variable to be replaced with values from form or query string input.

Property Description
xquery A XQuery string to run on the collection or individual resource.


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.FileXQueryXMLDBController runs an XQuery stored in a File resource against an XML database collection. This is useful for large XQueries. The file is loaded using Spring's resource abstraction framework. On reading the file the controller caches the result and the modification time of the query, if file is subsequently modified the query is reloaded.

Property Description
xqueryFile A Spring Resource file to use to load the XQuery from.
<bean id="listItemsController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.FileXQueryXMLDBController">
    <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
    <property name="collection"><value>/db/tilesnews/items</value></property>
    <property name="view"><value>listItems</value></property>
    <property name="xqueryFile"><value>/WEB-INF/resources/listItems.xql</value></property>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.RemoveXMLDBResourceController will remove a resource from a collection given a request parameter id of the resourceId to remove from the collection.


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.xupdate.XUpdateXMLDBController can be used to run XUpdate queries on either an entire collection or a single resource on a collection. The XUpdate query to run is supplied as a JavaBean property in the context configuration. If a request parameter id is supplied then the XUpdate query will be run only against that resourceId in the collection otherwise it will be run against the entire collection.

Property Description
xupdate The XUpdate query to run
<bean id="xupdateCommentsController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.xupdate.XUpdateXMLDBController">
  <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
  <property name="collection"><value>/db/tilesnews/items</value></property>
  <property name="view"><value>redirect:index.html</value></property>
  <property name="xupdate"><value><![CDATA[
<xupdate:modifications version="1.0"
   <xupdate:append select="/addresses/address[@id = 1]/phone[@type='work']" >   
      <xupdate:attribute name="extension">223</xupdate:attribute>      


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.xupdate.XUpdateRequestParamSubXMLDBController works the same as uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.xupdate.XUpdateXMLDBController except it will replace instances of $variable with values from the request parameters supplied either by a form or on the query string.

Property Description
xupdate The XUpdate query to run
<bean id="xupdateCommentsController" 
  <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
  <property name="collection"><value>/db/tilesnews/items</value></property>
  <property name="view"><value>redirect:index.html</value></property>
  <property name="xupdate"><value><![CDATA[
<xupdate:modifications version="1.0" xmlns:xupdate="http://www.xmldb.org/xupdate" >
 <xupdate:append select="//item/comments" child="last()"> 
   <xupdate:element name="comment"> 

Spring XMLDB Tiles Components

The Spring XMLDB Tiles Components provide very similar functionality to the controllers except can be used as Tiles component controllers to be configured in Tiles definition files and deliver content XML to different parts of the page. The example Tiles news site shows these components in action using JSTL xml:transform tag to transform the XML results with XSLT.


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.AbstractXMLDBTilesComponentprovides a base class for all the tiles components. All other SpringXMLDB Tiles components use the same attributes. All the SpringXMLDB components use the XMLDBFacade which is looked up in the application context. The bean name of the facade is passed in as attribute to the tiles component.

Tiles Attribute Description
facadeName The Spring bean name of the XMLDB Facade, this is used to lookup the facade bean from the ApplicationContext.
collection The collection to run the query against.
noResults The maximum number of results to return

All the tiles components expose the XML results as a attribute results. Using the tiles attribute inheritance of definitions it is easier to define a base definition for SpringXMLDB components which can then be overridden if necessary:

<definition name="xmldbbase">
  <put name="facadeName" value="xmldbFacade"/>
  <put name="noResults" value="10"/>
  <put name="collection" value="/db/tilesnews/items"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.SimpleXPathXMLDBTilesComponent works much like uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.SimpleXPathXMLDBController and makes an xpath query on the given collection and sets the results as the attribute results.

Tiles Attribute Description
xpath The XPath query to make on the XML database collection.
<definition name="news" extends="xmldbbase" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="noResults" value="10"/>
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/news.xsl"/>
  <put name="xpath" value="//item[metadata/type/text()='news']"/>

In this example the jsp file xsltresults.jsp looks like this.

<%@ taglib prefix="tiles" uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-tiles" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="x" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/xml" %>

<tiles:useAttribute id="idSylesheet" name="xslt" ignore="true"/>
<c:import var="xslt" url="${idSylesheet}" />
<tiles:importAttribute name="results"/>
<x:transform xml="${results}" xslt="${xslt}">

This makes an XSLT transform of the XML results for this Tiles components and allows the XSLT used to be set in the definition file. Using this method it is possible to select the content and form a presentation for display all controlled by the Tiles configuration file.


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XPathRequestParamSubTilesComponent works much like uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.XPathRequestParamSubXMLDBController and makes an xpath query on the given collection and sets the results as the attribute results, but it also subsititutes any request parameters given $request-param-name in the xpath.

Tiles Attribute Description
xpath The XPath query to make on the XML database collection.
<definition name="news" extends="xmldbbase" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="noResults" value="10"/>
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/news.xsl"/>
  <put name="xpath" value="//item[metadata/type/text()='$type']"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XPathAttributesSubTilesComponent works much like uuk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XPathRequestParamSubTilesComponent and makes an xpath query on the given collection and sets the results as the attribute results, but it also subsititutes any attributes in the tiles configuration given$attribute-name in the xpath. This allows for overriding definitions to alter the xpath slightly.

Tiles Attribute Description
xpath The XPath query to make on the XML database collection.
<definition name="contentbase" extends="xmldbbase" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="noResults" value="10"/>
  <put name="xpath" value="//item[metadata/type/text()='$type']"/>

<definition name="news" extends="contentbase">
  <put name="type" value="news"/>
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/news.xsl"/>

<definition name="features" extends="contentbase">
  <put name="type" value="feature"/>
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/feature.xsl"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XMLResourceXMLDBTilesComponent allows for a single XML resource to be returned and outputed in the Tiles Component. The resource is selected from the collection using the Tiles attribute id.

Tiles Attribute Description
id The id of the resource to retrieve.
<definition name="mainstory" extends="xmldbbase" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/displayarticle.xsl"/>
  <put name="collection" value="/db/articles"/>
  <put name="id" value="bigstory.xml"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XMLResourceRequestParamXMLDBTilesComponent allows for a single XML resource to be returned and outputed in the Tiles Component. The resource is selected using a resourceId supplied as a request parameter, either as a form element or request parameter. The default request parameter name to use is id but this can be changed with the Tiles attribute idParamName.

Tiles Attribute Description
idParamName The request parameter name to get the id of the resource to retrieve. Defaults to id.
<definition name="mainstory" extends="xmldbbase" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/displayarticle.xsl"/>
  <put name="collection" value="/db/articles"/>
  <put name="idParamName value="articleid"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.SimpleXQueryXMLDBTilesComponent works much like uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.SimpleXQueryXMLDBController and makes an XQuery query on the given collection and sets the results as the attribute results.

Tiles Attribute Description
xquery The XQuery query to make on the XML database collection.
<definition name="journalitem" extends="xmldb" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/journal.xsl"/>
  <put name="xquery" value="for $item in //item[metadata/type/text()='journal'] 
    where some $m in $item/metadata satisfies (xs:dateTime($m/issued) &lt; fn:current-dateTime() 
    and xs:dateTime($m/valid) &gt; fn:current-dateTime()) order by xs:dateTime($item/metadata/created) 
    descending return $item"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XQueryRequestParametersTilesComponent works much like uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.XQueryRequestParametersXMLDBController and makes an XQuery query on the given collection and sets the results as the attribute results. The component also sets XQuery variables for all request parameters.

Tiles Attribute Description
xquery The XQuery query to make on the XML database collection.
<definition name="journalitem" extends="xmldb" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/journal.xsl"/>
  <put name="xquery" value="for $item in //item[metadata/type/text()='journal'] 
    where some $m in $item/metadata satisfies (xs:dateTime($m/issued) &lt; fn:current-dateTime() 
    and xs:dateTime($m/valid) &gt; fn:current-dateTime()
    and $m/subject/name/text()=$subject) order by xs:dateTime($item/metadata/created) 
    descending return $item"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XQueryRequestParametersTilesComponent works much like uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.XQueryRequestParametersTilesComponent and makes an XQuery query on the given collection and sets the results as the attribute results. The component also sets XQuery variables for all Tiles attributes. This allows for overriding definitions to alter the XQuery slightly.

Tiles Attribute Description
xquery The XQuery query to make on the XML database collection.
<definition name="journalitem" extends="xmldb" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/journal.xsl"/>
  <put name="xquery" value="for $item in //item[metadata/type/text()='journal'] 
    where some $m in $item/metadata satisfies (xs:dateTime($m/issued) &lt; fn:current-dateTime() 
    and xs:dateTime($m/valid) &gt; fn:current-dateTime()
    and $m/subject/name/text()=$subject) order by xs:dateTime($item/metadata/created) 
    descending return $item"/>

<definition name="springjournalitem" extends="journalitem">
  <put name="subject" value="Spring"/>

<definition name="londonjournalitem" extends="journalitem">
  <put name="subject" value="London"/>


The uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.tiles.FileXQueryTilesComponent works much like uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.spring.web.controller.FileXQueryXMLDBController it runs an XQuery stored in a File resource against an XML database collection. This is useful for large XQueries. The file is loaded from the servlet context, the filelocation should therefore be relative to the root of the context. The component makes an XQuery query on the given collection and sets the results as the attribute results. The component also sets XQuery variables for all Tiles attributes. This allows for overriding definitions to alter the XQuery slightly.

Tiles Attribute Description
xqueryfileLocation The file location of the xquery relative to the root of the web application context.
<definition name="journalitem" extends="xmldb" page="/WEB-INF/jsp/xsltresults.jsp" 
  <put name="xslt" value="/xslt/journal.xsl"/>
  <put name="xqueryfileLocation" value="/WEB-INF/query/journal.xql"/>


The SPXForms implementation allows for binding of form elements to XML documents in a similar way to Spring's Form Controllers work. An SPXForm controller can be used to load an XML document, edit it on a form and have the submission rebound to the XML document before validating and processing. The SPXForm can be used to create new XML documents or edit existing ones. It is not necessary to use XML databases with SPXForms, the implementation is only concerned with the binding of XML documents.

SPXForms is an XForms-like implementation. It is very difficult to build a fully compliant XForms engine using serverside technology as the original specification was designed to be implemented as a clientside application. Currently serverside XForms implementations of some form exist at Chiba and OXF. SPXForms currently only supports a small subset of XForms functionality.

SPXForms consists of three main elements.

  • A serverside binding framework. Similar to the Spring binding framework, this binds request parameters to the command object XML document and also runs xforms actions submited to the serverside.

  • A base AbstractSpXFormsController which should be extended to create Form Controllers for processing XML documents.

  • A JSP tag library for binding form elements to the XML document and for XForms tags such as triggers, actions, groups, repeats and submits.

Creating a new SPXForm Controller.

The base class uk.co.lakesidetech.spxforms.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractSpXFormsController provides a base class for form controllers to use the SPXForms binding and tag framework.

A concrete form controller should extend and provide an implementation of the abstract method:

protected abstract Object formXFormsInstance(HttpServletRequest request)

This is used to get the Object instance used for the XForms binding, this can be used to get an existing XML document, create a new one or create a document with default values. Currently the following binding objects are supported:

  • org.w3c.dom.Document

  • org.jdom.Document

  • JavaBeans (not yet but soon)

The form submission can be handled by overriding the method :

protected ModelAndView processXFormSubmission(
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
            throws Exception {

Alternatively any other method name can be used for different submissions using a tag <spxform:submit submission="methodName"/> . This allows for different submission methods to be used depending on what submission button was used, as per the XForms specification.

protected ModelAndView methodName(
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
            throws Exception {
Property Description
commandName The name of the command object, the XML document, to be set on the request attribute
commandClass The class type of the command object (currently only org.w3c.dom.Document or org.jdom.Document is supported).
validators An array of Validator objects to validate the XML input. (Schema validation to be supported soon)
validateOnBinding Flag to validate on the binding of the form elements
bindOnNewForm Use request parameters to bind initial values on a new form.
successView The view to render on successful form submission.
formView The view to render displaying the form itself.


The following is an example of an SPXFormController. The uk.co.lakesidetech.spxforms.web.servlet.mvc.EditXMLFileSpXFormsController can be used to edit an XML file saved on disc and referenced through the Spring resource abstraction framework.

public class EditXMLFileSpXFormsController extends AbstractSpXFormsController {

    private Resource xmlFile;
    /** logging class */
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EditXMLFileSpXFormsController.class);

     * @param xmlFile The xmlFile to set.
    public void setXmlFile(Resource xmlFile) {
        this.xmlFile = xmlFile;
    protected Object formXFormsInstance(HttpServletRequest request) {
//      Create a factory object for creating DOM parsers
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
//         Now use the factory to create a DOM parser (a.k.a. a DocumentBuilder)
        DocumentBuilder parser;
        try {
            parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
//          Parse the file and build a Document tree to represent its content
            return parser.parse(xmlFile.getFile());
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            throw new NestableRuntimeException(e);
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            throw new NestableRuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new NestableRuntimeException(e);
    protected ModelAndView processXFormSubmission(
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
            throws Exception {
        return save(request,response,command, errors);

    protected ModelAndView save(
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
            throws Exception {
        Document doc = (Document)command;
//      Prepare the DOM document for writing
        Source source = new DOMSource(doc);

        // Prepare the output file
        File file = xmlFile.getFile();
        Result result = new StreamResult(file);

        // Write the DOM document to the file
        Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        xformer.transform(source, result);
        return new ModelAndView(getSuccessView(), errors.getModel());

SPXForm JSP Tags

The binding of form elements to the XML document is supported by a similar tag to <spring:bind>. It also has other tags based on the XForms specification for manipulating the XML instance document.


The spxform:bind tag provides support for evaluating a node of the XML document, as per the normal spring:bind tag the status object contains the value of node and the expression used for binding a form element to that XML node. The xml nodes are expressed as xpath expressions. The spxform:bind uses a ref attribute which can either start with the name of the command object (set in the form controller property) followed by the xpath expression of the node to bind to or just the xpath expression to bind to if the command name is the default, nor overidden by the FormController property. The spxform:bind tag currently replaces any of the presentation agnostic tags for elements in xforms such as input, secret, textarea, select, select1.

It is not neccessary for the xpath paths in the document to exist when they are referenced, instead the Binding on the serverside will create these paths when the binds are made. This allows for creation of new document structures directly from the form elements.

As an example given the XML document as the instance document with command name instance:

    <street1>224 Latimer Road</street1>
    <province>Shepards Bush</province>
    <postcode>W5 3ER</postcode>
    <country>United Kingdom</country>

You could use the following bind tag to bind to a form

<%@ taglib prefix="spxform" uri="http://www.lakesidetech.co.uk/spxforms/tags" %>
<spxform:bind ref="instance/person/address/street1">
  street1: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="125" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
<spxform:bind ref="instance/person/address/street2">
  street2: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="25" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
<spxform:bind ref="instance/person/address/province">
  province: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="25" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
Property Description
ref The ref to bind to on the command object in the form of commandname/xpath-to-node (except where a previous group object has set the command name). The attribute ref is used instead of path to conform with XForms specification.
id Optional id of the bind. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
htmlEscape If the output of the status object should be escaped for HTML.
Property Description
status uk.co.lakesidetech.spxforms.web.servlet.support.SpXBindStatus object which contains a value of the selected node and expression for binding the request parameter


The spxform:group tag is used much like the spring nestedPath tag is used as a container for defining a hierarchy of form controls. Groups can be nested to create complex hierarchies. The ref used in the group tag is then applied to all the binds used within it. Using the previous XML file as an example a form implementation could be.

<%@ taglib prefix="spxform" uri="http://www.lakesidetech.co.uk/spxforms/tags" %>
<spxform:group ref="instance/person">
  <spxform:bind ref="firstname">
    firstname: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="10" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
  <spxform:bind ref="surname">
    surname: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="10" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
  <spxform:group ref="address">
   <spxform:bind ref="street1">
     street1: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="125" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
   <spxform:bind ref="street2">
    street2: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="25" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
   <spxform:bind ref="province">
    province: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="25" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
Property Description
ref The ref to bind to on the command object in the form of commandname/xpath-to-node for the containing group of bind elements.The attribute ref is used instead of path to conform with XForms specification.
id Optional id of the group. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
Property Description
nestedRef String of the current nested ref which will be used by the spxform:bind tags.


The spxform:repeat is used to iterate over a set of nodes. This element defines a UI mapping over a homogeneous collection selected by Node Set Binding Attributes. This node-set must consist of contiguous child element nodes, with the same local name and namespace name of a common parent node. The nodeset is defined by the attribute nodeset using an xpath expression as in the bind tag. The tag will iterate over existing members of the collection creating a nested reference for each node Using the following example XML.

    <street1>224 Latimer Road</street1>
    <province>Shepards Bush</province>
    <postcode>W5 3ER</postcode>
    <country>United Kingdom</country>
       <number type="home">
       <number type="office">
       <number type="mobile">

We can use the following repeat document to edit the telephonenumbers:

<%@ taglib prefix="spxform" uri="http://www.lakesidetech.co.uk/spxforms/tags" %>
<spxform:group ref="instance/person">
  <spxform:repeat nodeset="telephonenumbers/number">
    type: <spxform:bind ref="@type">
    <select name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>">
     <option value="home" <c:if test="${status.value == 'home'}"> selected="selected" </c:if> >Home</option>
     <option value="office" <c:if test="${status.value == 'office'}">selected="selected"</c:if> >Office</option>
     <option value="mobile" <c:if test="${status.value == 'mobile'}">selected="selected"</c:if> >Mobile</option>
    <spxform:bind ref="fullnumber">
      fullnumber: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="12" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
    <spxform:bind ref="extension">
      extension: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="5" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
Property Description
nodeset The ref to bind to on the command object in the form of commandname/xpath-to-node for the containing group of bind elements.The attribute ref is used instead of path to conform with XForms specification.
id Optional id of the repeat. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
Property Description
nestedRef String of the current nested ref of the node being iterated over (for example instance/person/telephonenumbers/number[1]) which will be used by the spxform:bind tags.
currentIndex The current index of the node in the homogeneous nodeset.


The trigger tag is used to allow user-triggered actions to take place on the XML document. Any actions contained by the trigger tag will be run on the serverside before returning the form. This allows for buttons to be added to the page to perform inserts, deletes and setvalues. The trigger tag creates a variable spxform_element that should be used to bind to a submit HTML element name such as a <input type="submit"/> or <input type="image"/>. Any actions inside the trigger will then be performed serverside when the trigger is submitted.

<%@ taglib prefix="spxform" uri="http://www.lakesidetech.co.uk/spxforms/tags" %>
<spxform:group ref="instance/person">
  <spxform:repeat nodeset="telephonenumbers/number">
    type: <spxform:bind ref="@type">
    <select name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>">
     <option value="home" <c:if test="${status.value == 'home'}"> selected="selected" </c:if> >Home</option>
     <option value="office" <c:if test="${status.value == 'office'}">selected="selected"</c:if> >Office</option>
     <option value="mobile" <c:if test="${status.value == 'mobile'}">selected="selected"</c:if> >Mobile</option>
    <spxform:bind ref="fullnumber">
      fullnumber: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="12" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
    <spxform:bind ref="extension">
      extension: <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="5" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" />  
   <input type="submit" name="<c:out value='${spxform_element}'/>" value="Insert New Number After This"/>
   <spx:insert nodeset="/person/telephonenumbers/number" at="${currentIndex}" position="after"/>
     <input type="submit" name="<c:out value='${spxform_element}'/>" value="Delete This Number"/>
     <spx:delete nodeset="/person/telephonenumbers/number" at="${currentIndex}"/>
Property Description
id Optional id of the trigger. The id is used to determine the actions contained within, a unique id will be generated for the page if one is not supplied. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
Property Description
spxform_element Variable holds the name of input element to be used to cause this trigger to run.


The <spxform:delete> tag is an action tag which can be used with triggers to manipulate the document, specifically removing a node with a homogenous nodeset. The nodeset attribute defines the homogenous nodeset to delete from while the at attribute defines which node to delete. As per the XForms specification these indexes are actually 1 based not 0 based.

     <input type="submit" name="<c:out value='${spxform_element}'/>" value="Delete This Number"/>
     <spx:delete nodeset="/person/telephonenumbers/number" at="${currentIndex}"/>
Property Description
id Optional id of the action. The id is used to run the actions contained within, a unique id will be generated for the page if one is not supplied. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
nodeset A full xpath evaluation to the nodeset to delete a node from (without any commandName).
at The 1 based index at which to delete the node.
Property Description
spxform_element Variable holds the name of input element to be used to cause this action to run. Should not be needed in normal behaviour as this is outputed automatically as a hidden element.


The <spxform:insert> tag is an action tag which can be used with triggers to manipulate the document, specifically inserting a node within a homogenous nodeset. The nodeset attribute defines the homogenous nodeset to insert into, the at attribute defines where the node should be inserted and the position indicates if the node should be inserted before or after the node indicated by the at attribute . As per the XForms specification these indexes are actually 1 based not 0 based.

   <input type="submit" name="<c:out value='${spxform_element}'/>" value="Insert New Number After This"/>
   <spx:insert nodeset="/person/telephonenumbers/number" at="${currentIndex}" position="after"/>
Property Description
id Optional id of the action. The id is used to run the actions contained within, a unique id will be generated for the page if one is not supplied. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
nodeset A full xpath evaluation to the nodeset to insert a node into (without any commandName).
at The 1 based index at which to insert the node.
position Indicates if the node should be inserted before or after the node indicated by the at attribute. Valid contents are before or after
Property Description
spxform_element Variable holds the name of input element to be used to cause this action to run. Should not be needed in normal behaviour as this is outputed automatically as a hidden element.


The <spxform:setvalue> tag is an action tag which can be used with triggers to manipulate the document, specifically setting the value of a xpath reference within a document to a certain value. This can be used with a insert action for instance to set some default values of newly created nodes.

   <input type="submit" name="<c:out value='${spxform_element}'/>" value="Insert New Number After This"/>
   <spx:insert nodeset="/person/telephonenumbers/number" at="${currentIndex}" position="after"/>
   <spx:setvalue ref="/person/telephonenumbers/number[${currentIndex+1}]/@type" value="mobile"/>
Property Description
id Optional id of the action. The id is used to run the actions contained within, a unique id will be generated for the page if one is not supplied. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
ref A full xpath evaluation to the node for which to set a value.
value The value to set the node to.
Property Description
spxform_element Variable holds the name of input element to be used to cause this action to run. Should not be needed in normal behaviour as this is outputed automatically as a hidden element.


The <spxform:submit> tag is used for indicating a user-triggered XML document submission. While the SPXFormControllers use regular form submissions for running actions the <spxform:submit> indicates the form should be processed. The <spxform:submit> tag also allows multiple submission methods to be made available. The submission element in the tag indicates the name of the method to run in the SPXFormController.

protected ModelAndView methodName(
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
            throws Exception {

The submi tag creates a variable spxform_element that should be used to bind to a submit HTML element name such as a <input type="submit"/> or <input type="image"/>. Any actions inside the submit will then be performed serverside when the submission is submitted.

<spx:submit submission="saveOrUpdateXML">
   <input type="submit" alignment="center" name="<c:out value='${spxform_element}'/>" value="submit">
<spx:submit submission="cancel">
   <input type="submit" alignment="center" name="<c:out value='${spxform_element}'/>" value="cancel">

For example pressing the saveOrUpdateXML submission will run the method:

protected ModelAndView saveOrUpdateXML(
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
            throws Exception {

If the method does not exist the form controller will try to run processXFormSubmission instead.

Property Description
id Optional id of the action. The id is used to run the actions contained within, a unique id will be generated for the page if one is not supplied. Used to conform with the XForms specification.
submission The name of the method to run in the form controller.
Property Description
spxform_element Variable holds the name of input element to be used to cause this action to run. Should not be needed in normal behaviour as this is outputed automatically as a hidden element.


The SPX framework includes validating methods for validating data in XML documents. This uses the Spring Validator interface which can be used to validate XML models independently but integrates with the SPXForms MVC layer for validating XML form input. Currently the following validators are supported.

  • SchematronValidator

Schematron Validation

Schematron is a XML validation language using patterns in trees. The schematron homepage can be found at http://xml.ascc.net/resource/schematron/schematron.html. The Schematron allows you to develop and mix two kinds of schemas:

  • Report elements allow you to diagnose which variant of a language you are dealing with.

  • Assert elements allow you to confirm that the document conforms to a particular schema.

The Schematron is based on a simple action:

  • First, find a context nodes in the document (typically an element) based on XPath path criteria;

  • Then, check to see if some other XPath expressions are true, for each of those nodes.


The class uk.co.lakesidetech.spxforms.validation.schematron.SchematronValidator is an implementation of the Spring Validator interface. The schematron validator can be used by specifiying the resource property schematronResource to point to the XML definition file of the schematron. Within the schematron file are a serious of patterns, rules with asserts and reports.

Simply the validator will check all the rules given an xpath context in the document. Within the rules are either asserts or reports which have xpath tests. If the test evaluates to false on a assert an error is added with the assert message (within the assert element), if a test evaluates to true on a report then an error is added with the report message (within the report element). The test can also just attempt to evaluate a value, if the value is not found it evaluates to false. The message can either be the key to text in a messages file or just the actual default text message to use. The field name used for the error object is the context of the rule.

Property Description
schematronResource The path to the XML definition of the schematron to use in the validation. This uses the Spring Resouce abstraction so can be used in a web application or independently.
<bean id="itemXmlValidator" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.spxforms.validation.schematron.SchematronValidator">
  <property name="schematronResource"><value>/resources/schematron/itemschematron.xml</value></property>

<bean id="createEditItemXFormController" class="uk.co.lakesidetech.springxmldb.examples.tilesnews.web.spring.CreateEditItemXFormController">
     <property name="validators">
                <ref local="itemXmlValidator"/>
      <property name="sessionForm"><value>true</value></property>
   <property name="xmldbFacade"><ref bean="xmldbFacade"/></property>
   <property name="commandName"><value>item</value></property>
   <property name="collection"><value>/db/tilesnews/items</value></property>
   <property name="formView"><value>createEditItemXForm</value></property>
   <property name="successView"><value>createEditItemConfirmation</value></property>
Example Schematron

The following is an example schematron:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns="http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron" >
<title>tilesnews item schematron</title>
<pattern name="Test Context">
  <rule context="/">
               <assert test="item">.schematron.item.required</assert>
  <rule context="/item">
               <assert test="metadata">.schematron.metadata.required</assert>
        <rule context="/item">
               <assert test="content">.schematron.content.required</assert>
     <pattern name="Test Metadata">
     <rule context="/item/metadata">
               <assert test="title">.schematron.title.required</assert>
   <rule context="/item/metadata">
               <assert test="type">.schematron.type.required</assert>
          <rule context="/item/metadata/title">
               <assert test="string-length(.) &gt; 0">.schematron.title.required</assert>
    <rule context="/item/metadata/type">
               <assert test="string-length(.) &gt; 0">.schematron.type.required</assert>
  <rule context="/item/metadata/subjects">
               <assert test="count(subject) &lt; 11">.schematron.subjects.max</assert>
<pattern name="Test Content">
     <rule context="/item/content">
               <assert test="headline">.schematron.headline.required</assert>
          <rule context="/item/content/headline">
               <assert test="string-length(.) &gt; 0">.schematron.headline.required</assert>

When used with an SPXForm and a <spx:bind> tag this can then display errors as normal for instance:

<spx:bind ref="/item/metadata/title">
  <input type="text" name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>" size="75" value="<c:out value='${status.value}'/>" /> *  
  <c:forEach items="${status.errorMessages}" var="error"><font color="red"><c:out value="${error}"/></font></c:forEach>

Example Applications

There are two example applications which contain all of the features listed above. A Spring controller based XML database manager application and a Spring and Tiles based news site.

Spring XML Database Manager

The Spring XML Database Manager is a simple example of functions for manipulating XML databases. It has the following features.

  • Browse Collections, showing child collections, resources and resource dates.

  • View Resources (binary and XML).

  • Remove Resources.

  • Add Collections.

  • Remove Collections.

  • Upload Resources.

  • Query Collections with XPath

The Spring XML Database Manager in CVS is configured to start up a embedded Xindice server and load some example content on startup. The configuration can be changed to use an embedded eXist server by changing web.xml from:

  param-value>/WEB-INF/dataaccessContext-xmldb.xml /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml /WEB-INF/xindiceStartupContext.xml</param-value>


  param-value>/WEB-INF/dataaccessContext-xmldb.xml /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml /WEB-INF/existStartupContext.xml</param-value>

The Spring XML Database Manager can also be changed to manage a remote database by changing the DataSource properties to point to a remote server.

SpringXMLDB Tiles News Site

The SpringXMLDB Tiles News Site is an example using the SpringXMLDB Tiles components to deliver a content managed, dynamic news website. The CMS section of the application allows for content items to be listed, created, edited and deleted using a SPXForms page for content creation and deletion. The dynamic delivery site uses SpringXMLDB Tiles components to deliver content to different components of the page configured by the Tiles Definition XML file, the XML content is then XSLT transformed for the page.

The SpringXMLDB Tiles News Site uses the XQuery support of eXist XML database to provide content ordering and better query features. Concequently it will not run on Xindice.