
Spring XML Databases Framework

Spring XML Databases Framework

The Spring XMLDB framework is designed to ease the use of XML databases with the Spring Framework. It provides configurable generic beans for dataaccess to XML databases. It also includes the following features:

  • Pooling of XML:DB connections to an XML Database which can be used similarily to JDBC connection pools
  • Generic DAOs for querying with XPath, XQuery and XUpdate as well as retrieving/storing documents (binary and XML) and managing collections and databases themselves.
  • Embedded startup of XML databases using Spring configured beans.
  • Import/Export from file systems to XML databases using Spring resource abstraction framework.
  • Generic Spring controllers for configuring queries on XML databases which can then be displayed through XSLT views or using JSTL tags.
  • Generic Tiles controllers for integrating query results into tiles components, allowing content display to be controlled in definitions.
  • XForms type form integration for binding form elements to XML documents in Spring called SPXForms.
  • Schematron Validation for XML documents using the Spring Validator interface.
  • XML Database Manager example application.
  • Tiles based content website and simple CMS example application.